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Disconnected: How Social Media and Screen Time Affect Our Mental Health

May 08, 2024 11 min read

social media can impact mental health

When was the last time you spent an entire day without your smartphone? Be honest!

It's hard to imagine life without our smartphones, tablets, and computers. We rely on these devices for communication, entertainment, and even work. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have become an integral part of our daily lives, connecting us with friends and family across the globe.

However, this constant connectivity comes at a cost. Our addiction to digital devices and social media can have detrimental effects on our mental health and overall well-being.

Excessive non-productive screen time and social media use can negatively impact our psychological, emotional, and cognitive well-being. In this comprehensive blog post, we'll explore these negative effects and offer practical tips for recovery.

Understanding the Mental Health Impact

Psychological Effects

Continuous engagement with social media can lead to a range of psychological issues, including anxiety, depression, and feelings of inadequacy. Social comparison theory suggests that people tend to evaluate themselves based on how they measure up to others. With social media, we are constantly exposed to the highlight reels of other people's lives, leading to feelings of inadequacy and low self-worth.

A study published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology found that people who limited their social media use to 30 minutes per day experienced significant improvements in well-being, including reduced depression and loneliness.

Moreover, the phenomenon of "doom-scrolling" - the tendency to continuously scroll through negative news stories on social media - can significantly impact stress and anxiety levels. A survey conducted by the American Psychological Association found that nearly 70% of Americans reported experiencing increased stress levels due to the constant stream of negative news on social media.

Emotional Effects

Overindulging in online pursuits may hinder the ability to forge meaningful emotional bonds and lead to emotional disconnection and feelings of isolation. While social media platforms are designed to connect people, they can paradoxically make us feel more isolated. A study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that young adults who spent more than two hours per day on social media were twice as likely to report feelings of social isolation compared to those who spent less than 30 minutes per day.

Furthermore, curated social media feeds can have a significant impact on self-esteem and body image.

Social media algorithms can contribute to a "social contagion" effect, amplifying mental health symptoms and self-diagnoses that may not be clinically accurate.

While social media can provide a sense of community, entertainment, and opportunities for self-expression - which can have mental health benefits - research indicates there are also significant potential downsides to these platforms, especially for young and vulnerable users.

The immersive, community-reinforcing nature of these algorithms may amplify personality traits/disorders and mental health symptom portrayal and promote negative content loops, social comparison/body image issues, especially for young females, the spread of potentially misleading mental health self-diagnoses.

Cognitive Effects

In his book "Deep Work," Cal Newport argues that the ability to focus intensely without distraction is becoming increasingly rare, yet is immensely valuable in our economy. He suggests that the constant distractions of digital devices and social media are eroding our capacity for deep, focused work.

How Your Smartphone Sabotages Your Focus

You may think you're giving your full attention to the task at hand, but if your smartphone is nearby, think again. A 2017 study from the University of Texas at Austin found that the mere presence of one's smartphone reduces available cognitive capacity and impairs cognitive functioning.

The study, involving nearly 800 smartphone users, found that participants who kept their phones in another room significantly outperformed those who had their phones on the desk, and slightly outperformed those who kept their phones in a pocket or bag. The more noticeable the phone, the worse the cognitive performance - even if the phone was off.

The Brain Drain Debate

While a 2022 meta-analysis by Doug Parry suggests the "brain drain" effect may be more modest than initially thought, it still supports the core finding that smartphone presence can impair cognitive performance to some degree. The magnitude of the effect may vary from person to person, but the overall trend indicates that having your phone nearby can hijack your focus and mental resources.

The Takeaway: Be Proactive About Your Phone's Location

To optimize your cognitive performance, the solution is simple: When you need to concentrate, keep your phone out of sight and reach. By being proactive about your smartphone's location, you can minimize its pull on your mental resources and give your full attention to the task at hand.

While the debate on the exact magnitude of the "brain drain" effect continues, the evidence suggests that keeping your phone at a distance is a smart strategy for better focus and cognitive performance. So the next time you need to concentrate, try putting your phone in another room - out of sight, out of mind, and out of the way of your mental resources.

Additionally, the blue light emitted by digital devices can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to further cognitive impairment. Exposure to blue light before bedtime can suppress the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep, and lead to reduced sleep quality and duration.

The Mental Health Minefield of Social Media

Depression and Anxiety

Social media can exacerbate symptoms of depression and anxiety, particularly among young people. A study published in the journal Depression and Anxiety found that teenagers who spent more than three hours per day on social media were more likely to report symptoms of depression and anxiety compared to those who spent less time on these platforms.

Real-life anecdotes and case studies highlight the impact of social media on mental health. For example, in her book "The Self-Love Experiment," Shannon Kaiser shares her personal story of how social media addiction led to feelings of inadequacy and depression. She writes, "I was addicted to the validation that came from likes and comments. I was constantly comparing myself to others and feeling like I wasn't good enough."

While social media platforms can offer connection and community, they can also be a breeding ground for mental health issues, particularly depression and anxiety. The constant barrage of curated images and highlight reels can leave users feeling inadequate, anxious, and overwhelmed.

Studies have shown a strong link between heavy social media use and mental health problems. "Problematic social media use" has been associated with increased depressive symptoms, anxiety, and psychological distress, particularly among young people.

The reasons for this are complex, but a few key factors stand out:

  1. Social Comparison: Social media feeds are filled with carefully curated images of people living their "best lives." This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and FOMO (fear of missing out), as users compare their own lives to these idealized versions.
  2. Addictive Design: Social media platforms are designed to be addictive, with features like infinite scroll and variable rewards (likes, comments, etc.) that keep users coming back for more. This can create a compulsive cycle that is hard to break.
  3. Displacement of Real-World Interaction: Heavy social media use can displace face-to-face interaction and other activities that are important for mental health, like exercise, hobbies, and sleep.

Social media is a tool, and like any tool, it can be used in ways that help or harm our mental health. By approaching these platforms with intention and awareness, we can harness their benefits while mitigating their potential for harm.


Social media platforms are designed to keep users engaged for long periods, making them highly addictive. The infinite scroll feature, push notifications, and variable rewards (such as likes and comments) create a sense of anticipation and keep users coming back for more. A study published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking found that social media addiction was associated with decreased self-esteem, increased depression and anxiety, and poor sleep quality.

Social media platforms employ highly sophisticated algorithms that are engineered to keep users engaged and addicted, while also invading their privacy in the process.

These algorithms go to great lengths to learn about each user's interests, behaviors, and social connections. They analyze every interaction - likes, comments, shares, and even how long a user lingers on a particular post. This data is used to curate a personalized feed that shows users more of what they are likely to engage with, creating a powerful feedback loop.

The algorithms are so aggressive that they can even predict what a user might want to see next before they even realize it themselves. They are designed to exploit psychological vulnerabilities, such as the fear of missing out, to keep users constantly checking their feeds.

Moreover, these algorithms operate in a black box, with little transparency about how they work or what data they are collecting. Social media companies have been known to track users across the web, even when they are not actively using the platform, and to share this data with third parties for advertising purposes.

This invasive tracking and profiling raises serious privacy concerns. Users often have little control over what data is being collected about them or how it is being used. The algorithms can infer sensitive information, such as a user's political beliefs, sexual orientation, or mental health status, based on their online behavior.

The addictive nature of social media, combined with the invasive data collection and profiling, has led to calls for greater regulation and transparency in the industry. However, as long as the business model of social media companies relies on keeping users engaged for as long as possible, it is unlikely that these problems will be fully addressed.

Signs of social media addiction include:

  • Spending excessive amounts of time on social media
  • Feeling anxious or irritable when unable to access social media
  • Neglecting real-life relationships and responsibilities in favor of social media
  • Using social media as a way to escape from negative emotions or stress

Tips for Mitigating the Negative Effects

Digital Minimalism

We should be selective about the digital tools we use and the amount of time we spend on them, focusing on those that truly add value to our lives.

Practical tips for digital minimalism include:

  • Conducting a digital declutter, where you take a break from optional technologies for a set period (e.g., 30 days) to reassess their value
  • Being intentional about which digital tools you allow back into your life after the declutter, based on their alignment with your values and goals
  • Setting rules and boundaries around technology use, such as no phones at the dinner table or no social media before noon
  • Cultivating high-quality leisure activities that don't involve screens, such as reading, hobbies, or socializing with friends in person

Digital Detox

Taking regular breaks from social media and digital devices is essential for maintaining good mental health. SLNT's Digital Detox program offers a structured approach to reducing screen time and improving overall well-being. The program includes a 7-day digital detox challenge, along with resources and support for developing healthier habits around technology use.

Practical tips for an effective digital detox include:

  • Setting specific no-screen times, such as during meals or before bedtime
  • Creating digital-free zones in the home, such as the bedroom or dining room
  • Turning off push notifications for social media apps
  • Engaging in alternative activities, such as exercise or hobbies

One eye-opening way to assess your relationship with technology is to quantify just how much time you are spending on your devices. The SLNT Phone Detox program provides a helpful calculator for this:  Here

Seeing the cold hard numbers of how many months and years are devoted to screen time can be a wake-up call. It encourages you to re-evaluate your priorities and whether your current device habits align with how you truly want to invest your precious life minutes.

The Importance of Being Intentional

One key to mitigating the potential downsides of technology is to practice mindful, intentional use of our devices. This means being aware of how, when, and why we engage with technology, rather than mindlessly scrolling or reacting to every notification.

Some strategies for more mindful tech use include:

  • Setting specific times to check email or social media, rather than constantly monitoring notifications
  • Choosing to engage with content that is uplifting, informative, or educational, rather than stressful or toxic
  • Taking regular breaks to engage in other activities like exercise, hobbies, or face-to-face interactions
  • Turning off notifications for non-essential apps to minimize distractions
  • Keeping devices out of the bedroom for better sleep hygiene

Tools for Disconnecting

Screen Time Monitoring and Limit-Setting Apps

For those seeking a more gradual approach to mindful tech use, screen time monitoring and limit-setting apps can be invaluable tools. These applications provide detailed insights into your device usage patterns, allowing you to identify areas where you may be spending excessive time on certain apps or activities. Armed with this data, you can then set personalized limits or schedules for specific apps or categories, helping you regain control over your digital habits. Many of these apps also offer features like app blocking, website restrictions, and even family monitoring capabilities, making them versatile solutions for individuals and households alike.

How to Find Your Device Usage

The image gives simple instructions on how to check your device usage data on both iOS and Android devices:

For iPhone Users

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Tap on "Screen Time"
  3. Select "See All Activity"

This will show you detailed analytics on your iPhone usage, including time spent in apps, websites visited, and more.

For Android Users

  1. Open Settings
  2. Navigate to "Digital Wellbeing & Parental Control"
  3. View your usage data here

The Slnt Faraday Phone Sleeve: A Digital Detox in Your Pocket

One innovative solution that has gained popularity is the Slnt Faraday phone sleeve. This blocks all incoming and outgoing wireless signals when your phone is placed inside. By effectively cutting off your device's connectivity, the SLNT sleeve provides a much-needed respite from the constant barrage of notifications, calls, and digital distractions. Using the Slnt sleeve is a simple yet effective way to enforce tech-free periods throughout your day. Whether you're looking to establish distraction-free zones in your home, enjoy uninterrupted quality time with loved ones, or simply take a break from the digital world, this sleeve empowers you to disconnect at your convenience.

Embracing the Analog

In our pursuit of mindful tech disconnection, it's also worth revisiting some tried-and-true analog solutions. One simple yet effective strategy is to invest in an old-fashioned alarm clock, eliminating the need to keep your smartphone by your bedside at night.

By removing the temptation to mindlessly scroll or check notifications before bed or first thing in the morning, you can cultivate better sleep habits and start your day with a clearer, more focused mindset. Additionally, embracing analog activities like reading physical books, journaling with pen and paper, using your computer without the internet, or engaging in hobbies that don't require digital devices can provide a refreshing break.

Ultimately, the key to mindful tech disconnection lies in finding the tools and strategies that resonate with your unique lifestyle and preferences. Whether it's the SLNT Faraday sleeve, screen time monitoring apps, or a return to analog simplicity, the goal is to reclaim control over your relationship with technology, allowing you to be more present, focused, and fulfilled in your daily life.

Finding Your Balance

At the end of the day, mindful technology use looks different for everyone. Some may choose to take extended breaks or "digital detoxes," while others may simply aim to be more intentional in their daily habits. The key is to find a balance that allows you to harness the benefits and conveniences of technology, while still prioritizing your mental health and overall well-being.

By proactively managing our relationship with digital devices - rather than letting them control us - we can maintain a healthier, more intentional relationship with technology in the modern age. Small changes in our daily habits can add up to a big difference in how we feel, both mentally and physically.

Building Healthy Habits

In addition to mindful technology use, building healthy habits can help counteract the negative effects of screen time and social media on mental health. This includes engaging in regular physical exercise, practicing meditation or mindfulness, and pursuing hobbies and interests outside of the digital world.

Fostering real-life relationships and interactions is also crucial for maintaining good mental health. While social media can be a useful tool for staying connected with others, it should not replace face-to-face interactions. Making time for in-person socializing, whether through organized activities or casual get-togethers with friends and family, can help combat feelings of isolation and improve overall well-being.


The negative impact of digital devices and social media on mental health is a growing concern in today's society. From psychological effects like anxiety and depression to cognitive impairments like reduced concentration and memory, excessive screen time can take a significant toll on our well-being.

However, by understanding these effects and taking proactive steps to mitigate them, we can develop healthier relationships with technology and improve our overall mental health.

The concepts of digital minimalism, along with SLNT's Digital Detox program, provide valuable frameworks and practical strategies for being more intentional about our technology use and cultivating our capacity for focused, meaningful activities.

Ultimately, while technology has many benefits, it's important to remember that our mental health should always come first. By prioritizing self-care, setting healthy boundaries around our digital lives, and nurturing our real-world relationships, we can harness the power of technology while still maintaining our well-being and happiness in the digital age.